Happy New Year 2024

I blinked and January nearly flew past!

But hey – we’ve got several days left to sneak some news of the new, out into cyberpress, starting right now.

I’ll keep this one short.

New Digs

The thing that has taken over our priority list as of late is, moving to a new place.

That single topic comes with a bunch of tangential issues and stories all of its own. Perhaps some of those stories will weave their way into the narrative over time.

But the fog is starting to burn off now, and the lineup is coming into view. That’s always a good thing.

New Designs

Some new designs are currently on the drawing board, and working their way through the iteration process that ends up seeing them on merchandise.

I can’t wait to get them out there!

New Products

We launched SSC in the Fall/Winter. But Spring/Summer are fast approaching. And here in SoCal, we love ditching those wetsuits and living life in the sun (yes, intended).

Keep an eye out for brand new SSC beach merch dropping into the lineup fastly!

New Media

As in, more pics and vids coming your way. Buckle up, buttercup!

New Events

Lastly, planning is already underway to get our crew out there, represent, and mix it up at different events around San Diego.

And who knows where else we might end up?!

One event that our tribe has turned into a yearly tradition, is getting absorbed into Switchfoot’s BroAm festivities. This all-day party is held each year at Encinitas’ Moonlight Beach and will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary this June 15th. There’s a date you can save now.

This means a new event calendar feature, I suppose.

That’s it for today, friends! Subscribe or check in often to stay tuned. And in the meantime…


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