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Perspective is an interesting thing.
Different people can be at the same event at the same time, yet have varying degrees of experience. Why is that? Perspective.
Sometimes the different view point is a result of external, or physical circumstances. We see things differently because of where we are physically standing.
At other times, our perspective is informed from within. What we see and experience is filtered through philosophical, ideological, and/or spiritual lens.
And I suppose it’s fair to assume that both of these factors can be at work, simultaneously, to impact one’s perspective.
This time of the year, we usually have ample opportunity to focus on at least two perspectives that, while seemingly opposite, remain closely tied together.
Looking Back
Hopefully, you’ll find yourself with friends and family celebrating this Christmas holiday. These gatherings are a great time to reflect on and recount stories of the past year – or years, if your tribe is pretty well established.
In our family, I’m always amused at how there are different takes on a particular story from the different people who were ‘there when it happened‘. This is especially true among parents, children, and siblings.
I seem to learn new twists on old stories each year!
One of the best ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude is to reflect back on the goodness of God. This is a central and repeated theme throughout the Psalms.
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1 ESV
Looking back on the year, I can say wholeheartedly – despite the very real fires of life – that God is good. And the reasons are many, when I stop to reflect and recount.
Looking Ahead
The past is not necessarily a solid indication of what lies ahead. But we can still have certain expectations based on the perspectives we choose to maintain.
Yes, perspective is a choice. Perhaps the only thing that one truly has control of in life.
What I find interesting about contemplating the future, are considering all the possibilities that lay ahead. Those can be good or bad, depending on perspective. I tend to be cautiously optimistic in anticipation of wonderful opportunities.
Something that tends to get overlooked, however, is how far down the horizon we fix our gaze. Can we only see as far as the end of this life – or do we eagerly look on towards eternity?
Remembering to Anticipate
One of the things I love about the Christmas story is that, in looking back to recount the historical birth of Christ, it gives me hope and instills confidence to anticipate what lies ahead, in this life – and beyond.
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11 ESV
Why exactly is the birth of Christ ‘good news‘ that should bring ‘great joy‘? In fact, there are many who take extreme offense at mere tidings of ‘Merry Christmas’.
And why does anyone even need a ‘savior’ for that matter?
The answer lies in your perspective, based on your relationship with the Babe in the manger.
What do you see when gazing out towards the horizon of 2024? Can you see beyond?

Maybe we get to see the first sunrise of 2024. Or maybe we finally experience the dawn of eternity before that happens. No one knows for certain. Until then…
live life in the Son
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